Served with an Enforcement Notice, Planning contravention notice or received a warning letter? Don’t panic.

Threatened with Enforcement Action

Firstly it is important to note that we are completely independent of the Council and any information you give us is treated with the utmost confidentiality. 

You have certain rights including a right of appeal against an Enforcement Notice.

It is important that your case is approached in the correct manner and that your case is presented 

properly in order to avoid any complications later in the process.

The process is an intricate one and making the wrong representations or submitting docume

ntation too late could prove costly.

We’ve seen clients try to represent themselves and their cases fail because they simply didn’t

 understand the process and the 7 possible grounds of appeal.

The most important thing to do if you’ve been issued with an Enforcement Notice is not to ignore it. Again we’ve seen clients do this and matters escalate to a point where there is little that can be done to retrieve the situation.

It may be that your planning application was also rejected in which case things get a little more complicated. It may be possible to appeal against the Enforcement Notice and the refused application at the same time.


Strategy is key

We have significant experience in handling Enforcement matters and have obtained favourable outcomes on a number of cases for clients.

Very seldom are any 2 cases identical, so a bespoke strategy and assessment is called for.

Engagement with the Council and being proactive is very important in ensuring a favourable outcome. We have handled negotiations for clients and managed to resolve enforcement planning issues to the satisfaction of all interested parties.

Have we been successful in Appealing against Enforcement Notices?

Simply put yes. Through careful research and case preparation we have had success across a range of cases including some of the following:

Retention of roof extension and HMO use 

Retention of flats 8 self-contained flats 

Continued use of house as a residence and circumcision clinic  

Retention of flats

Retention of railings

Retention of Church use

Residential extensions

Retention of Outbuildings

and many more….



If you’ve been served with an Enforcement Notice or Planning Contravention Notice  and would like to discuss the use of the premises and planning permission then please call Yussuf Mwanza BA(Hons) MRTPI on 020 8995 7848

Yussuf Mwanza is a Chartered Town Planner and is founder and Managing Director of MZA Planning with over 30 years of planning experience gained in Local government, the private sector and The Planning Inspectorate.