Residential appeal – London Borough of Ealing

Planning Appeal of vehicular crossover


Full planning appeal allowed for construction of vehicular crossover.

Following the refusal of the application, the client sought the advice of MZA as to what her next steps ought to be in order to secure the construction of a vehicular crossover.

In the first instance, MZA reviewed the site’s planning history and conducted a site visit to ascertain the local area character and appearance. This was promptly followed by a strategy devised to present the client’s case in the best light and maximise their chances of winning their appeal.

Whilst negotiations are not a part of the appeal process, MZA’s key document was the planning statement: thoroughly researched and submitted together with the necessary improved proposed plan, traffic & highways analysis, policy analysis and a letter from the client’s doctor detailing the client’s disability and how the vehicle crossover is a necessity. Finally, the inspector visited the site, following which (and taking into account the arguments on both side) they drew their conclusion.

The inspector found that “the only substantive objection to the development would be some small harm to highway safety”. However taking into account the client’s personal circumstances and the Public Sector Equality Duty to advance equality between people with disabilities and those without them, the inspector decided to allow the appeal and thus grant planning permission.

The vehicle crossover is currently being constructed to the relief of the client.

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