Householder Appeal – London Borough of Ealing

Householder Planning Appeal of vehicular crossover & dropped kerb


Appeal allowed against the Council for construction of vehicular crossover and dropped kerb.

The client had a grass front garden and applied for planning permission to replace it with a hard landscaping vehicular crossover and dropped kerb for car parking.

Ealing Council decided that the vehicular crossover and dropped kerb would be detrimental to the safety of pedestrians and free flow of traffic. In addition to this the Council decided that the hard landscaping within the front garden would be likely to exacerbate the cumulative effect of localised flooding in the vicinity. The Council refused planning permission and the client subsequently contacted MZA to reverse the Council’s refusal.

MZA submitted a detailed appeal statement together with a transport statement and argued that the vehicular crossover and dropped kerb would not have adverse impact on the free flow of traffic or result in a decline in road safety. Furthermore, MZA argued that the hard landscaping within the front garden would feature porous surfaces and minimise flood risk together with some soft landscaping. MZA’s statements concluded that for all of the above reasons the vehicular crossover and dropped kerb complied with relevant policies of the Council’s Development Plan.

The appeal Inspector agreed with MZA’s arguments and allowed the appeal. The client now has a hard landscaping vehicular crossover for car parking in the front garden together with a dropped kerb.

Householder Planning Appeal London Borough of EalingHouseholder Planning Appeal London Borough of Ealing

Before planning appeal





After planning appeal was allowed