Chiswick High Road
Posted: July 8, 2022

MZA made a pre-application submission and planning application, followed by an appeal and subsequent revised planning application for the erection of an additional floor and reconfiguration of the internal layout of the existing first floor to provide in total 7 self-contained flats. Planning permission was finally granted by Hounslow Council.
Initially the Council resisted the development on the grounds of standard of accommodation, bulk and massing of additional floor and loss of office floorspace. Cycle parking and refuse storage issues were also listed.
We promptly lodged an appeal on behalf of our client with the Inspector finding in our favour on the main issues of massing, bulk and character. We set about preparing a revised planning application that addressed the outstanding issues and secured planning permission.
The development is now complete and provides wonderful accommodation with the built form integrating seamlessly with Chiswick High Road.