Appeal Allowed (Kingston): Front Boundary Treatment
Posted: March 12, 2018
MZA Planning are excited to announce another win! This time, we helped our client overturn the council’s decision for the erection of a front boundary treatment, along with a wood panel pedestrian gate and sliding vehicle access gate.
The application was refused on the basis that the proposed boundary treatment would reduce the openness of the front of the property due to its size, in turn affecting the character and appearance of the property and its surroundings.The appeal statement produced by our team, however, argued that the proposal’s front boundary treatment design will maintain the open character of the front garden as much as possible. Additionally, it was argued that the proposed boundary treatment would not appear out of character in the streetscene of Kingsdowne Road, as the street is characterised by a wide variety of front boundary treatments that vary substantially in scale, material and architectural style. Based on these arguments, the appeal proceeded to approval which made us and our client very happy!
For help with lodging planning appeals, contact MZA Planning on 020 8995 7848