Commercial Application – London Borough of Bromley

Kent House Tavern

London Borough of Bromley

Creation of 6 flats

The client initially submitted an application to Bromley council for 8 flats. which was subsequently refused. An appeal was then submitted to the Planning Inspectorate which was dismissed on the grounds that; the proposed scheme would fail to provide satisfactory living conditions and also that the proposal would be out of character in the surrounding area.

MZA was then contacted to help with submitting an application. Initially MZA advised the client to submit a pre-application however Bromley council were not be able to schedule a meeting in a timely manner.

After discussions with the client and reviewing comments made in the appeal decision the proposal was changed to the creation 6 flats.

MZA researched council and government policies and compiled a detailed planning statement to accompany the revised application. The planning statement took into account points raised in the Planning inspectorate’s decision notice and explained how the revised scheme would provide satisfactory living spaces and that the character and appearance of the proposal would be in keeping with the area. This was then submitted to Bromley council.

During the consultation period, the application received one objection so as a result was referred to a committee meeting.
No objectors registered to speak on the proposal and the application was permitted.

The client is now able to proceed with the proposal.
